Community Water System is proud to serve the water needs of north central Arkansas.
Utilizing Greers Ferry Lake as its source water, the system began supplying water to approximately 1500 customers in Greers Ferry, Higden, Edgemont and Fairfield Bay in 1970. From those humble beginnings, CWS continued to grow and currently supplies water to approximately 6470 retail water users and 10 wholesale users located in portions of Van Buren, Cleburne, Faulkner and Stone Counties Arkansas. This represents a service area of greater than 200 square miles, serving of approximately 70,000 people.
CWS prides itself on supplying high quality water with the least interruptions possible.
This is accomplished by utilizing the best technology in water treatment, transmission and control. The technology is complemented by a highly skilled workforce commitment to continuous improvement. CWS will continue to be a leader in the water industry while providing our customers the best water available anywhere.