CWS Water Rate Increase
Back in 2017, CWS customers were notified that a systematic increase in water rates would take place over the next few years. These increases are necessary to finance a number of much needed upgrades to our treatment and distribution system, and help us continue to meet state and federal requirements. In 2018, CWS obtained $3 million dollars in financing to get this work started. To repay these funds, CWS must now increase our customer’s monthly base water rate by $2.25. This increase will take effect in January of 2019. Being a non-profit utility, our only means of meeting this growing cost of operation is to increase the water rates we charge. These improvements will keep our operation working efficiently and fully capable of providing the highest quality water available anywhere.
The following is a more detailed explanation of the improvements currently underway.
Meter Replacement:
After 20 plus years of service, our current water meters are at the end of their service life. So, new meters are being installed which will provide more capability and function to both CWS and the customer. The new meters will allow customers to monitor their water usage via computer and/or smart device from anywhere. Usage alerts can be set to monitor daily demand and receive leak detection alerts.
Retail System Pump Station Replacement:
The two oldest retail system pump stations, Edgemont Station and Station 4 located on Hwy.16, have reached the end of their useful life. Station 4 will be replaced in 2019 with more efficient and higher capacity pumps to meet the demands of the system now and well into the future. The Edgemont pump station replacement is planned for later in 2020 - 2021.
Water Treatment Plant Improvements:
In 2019, CWS will be constructing larger backwash ponds in order handle increased volume and meet new residual effluent regulations. Additional improvements to increase capacity, improve filter performance and safety will come later in 2020 - 2021.
Again, Community Water System is constantly working to provide the highest quality water and the best service possible with the fewest interruptions. Should you have a question about this increase or anything else concerning your water or Community Water System, please call the CWS Operations Center at 501-825-7294 or 1-800-234-7291.